The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
I listen on and off, I sometimes have to work in the morning and can't listen then. I'm starting to find it a bit repetitive, though. Also, I never really realised before how little music he plays. I might be wrong, but it seems like he can talk for the whole first hour without playing a tune.

Apart from that, I think he's good on Radio X. He's grown up now since his Radio 1 days, and it's for the better. He's better than Christian O'Connell and his unfunny sidekick Richie, that's for sure.
swaddon1903 wrote:Apart from that, I think he's good on Radio X. He's grown up now since his Radio 1 days, and it's for the better.

Interesting, I can't say I disagree with you in the main as I do enjoy the show. However I think he's only grown up when it suits him. Moyles has spent literally hours in the past few weeks both on air and on the podcast rating over a dozen different fart sound effects. That also included him playing them to a GUEST as the very first line of questioning to someone who clearly didn't appreciate it in
I'm starting to find myself irritated by Chris' apparent inability to move on from a topic. Half an hour on Pippa getting drunk at the NME awards or whatever is fine. 90mins of it punctuated only by ad breaks (and maybe one song) is a bit much. I dunno if it's a lack of material - I don't think it is really. Maybe they always did this and I'm only just noticing?
I like the Radio X show a lot. I do only listen to the edit, tho.

There are minor irritants, but I will now FF through some bits like competitions I haven't entered.

But, overall I think it's almost as good as the R1 show. Which I recently finished listening to in full.
Harry Briggs wrote:Question - was todays birthday show the best show since the start of Radio X? I thought it was great.

I thought the first 45mins or so were kind of awkward. I get that a radio show from the London Eye is a great concept and it would appeal to Chris from the point of view of doing unusual radio, but he sounded so nervous about the height, I was worried he was gonna freak out and actually refuse to go. I guess they relied on his professionalism winning out, which is a risky gamble to take. After that they settled in and what I heard was pretty good.

As a Radio 1 listener, I was intrigued by the Wombats readily agreeing with Chris that Cheetah Tongue was the first single from their new album. R1 promoted and playlisted Lemon To A Knife Fight as the lead single, but apparently in the world of RX that single didn't exist. So weird.
Regarding the “new” show - I like the more laid back, older version of Chris, the continuity of Dom alongside him and the fact that the music is decent instead of the shit that he had to play on Radio 1, particularly towards the end.

What I dislike about it - the “no music” first 30-45 minutes, the amount of competitions and repetitive ads, the rest of the team is weaker (particularly since Dave M left) and also when he goes on about all the health and fitness crap, I’d rather have a fat and happy with it Chris! Or “juice” all you like but just don’t go on about it on air...

Still, on the whole it’s much better than any of the alternatives. And great to see Toby Lerone back!
Nicola_Red wrote:I'm starting to find myself irritated by Chris' apparent inability to move on from a topic. Half an hour on Pippa getting drunk at the NME awards or whatever is fine. 90mins of it punctuated only by ad breaks (and maybe one song) is a bit much. I dunno if it's a lack of material - I don't think it is really. Maybe they always did this and I'm only just noticing?

Yes the Radio One Show had drive and a bit of flexible maybe but definite structure - and a t wa a better for it

For me on a small note am fed up with the Rob DJ sick/sex sound effects and th constant playing of the Halliluya sound effect

For Balance though I thought the show was getting a lot tighter the last couple of months
Harry Briggs wrote:Question - was todays birthday show the best show since the start of Radio X? I thought it was great.

Yes, it was certainly one of the few that actually had that "Must Listen" feel about it that Breakfast shows aim for and has been missing in parts during the Radio X era. I certainly was keen to head back and listen to what I missed later and check out the Facebook videos which I don't always do.

Cheeky perhaps, but maybe something can be said for the success of the birthday show, that it shows what can be achieved when the production team is left to produce a show without Chris's input.

Of course Chris has more than an ear for good radio, and it wouldn't work without him dictating the kind of show he wants but it shows there are some good ideas in the team when they are allowed to come out.
I happened to be listening on 27/02/18 at the beginning and what I heard I loved.

Who knew toilet humour could get serious? It does when no-one cleans the bogs, certainly.

And Moyles is at his best when reaching out to listeners and challenging them, he even made me question my attitude towards homeless people - Yes I am one of those who says 'They'll only spend it on drugs anyway so what's the point??' I often feel indifferent to homeless people when I see them, I suppose because the real crime is that they ended up this way in the first place, I just can't believe that we allow them to sit there anyway. And the fake homeless in that town I read about recently - makes you sick. But Moyles really made me think. By and large yes people with a few more pennies to rub together should do more than me, and I never bother with those telethons. And I suppose these days everyone wants to be a victim don't they? But no matter how indifferent I feel towards someone I should always try and be more humane with them, and I could not imagine what it would be like for me, I wouldn't last long that's for sure, better dead if no-one rescued me, so I often wonder how it is these homeless are able to keep going, no-one in their right mind would choose to be that way, and now I realise the reason they come across a bit zombie-like is because they have to be in order to get through the days and nights. In future I shall do my best with them, but there should be shelter for all of these people.

Nice to have a break from fart jokes sometimes.
I definitely agree with Trigger's comment above. Mr Red (who has even less of a tolerance for the sound effects and fart jokes than I do, and I don't have much) recently said to me that he thinks Chris is at his best when speaking about someone who's recently died, and I think that's a similar observation. Chris has the life experience, the humour and the gravitas when required to talk in a really engaging manner about these things, and you can tell when a topic actually matters to him. Also recently he's said a couple of things that have made me realise he's a bit of a feminist these days - most notably when talking about the Australian male DJ who took a pay cut to match the salary of his female co-presenter. Those moments really make it worth listening. I understand he can't talk about these things all the time, the mood needs to be lightened, but I so wish it wasn't with endless fart noises.
Nicola_Red wrote:I definitely agree with Trigger's comment above. Mr Red (who has even less of a tolerance for the sound effects and fart jokes than I do, and I don't have much) recently said to me that he thinks Chris is at his best when speaking about someone who's recently died, and I think that's a similar observation. Chris has the life experience, the humour and the gravitas when required to talk in a really engaging manner about these things, and you can tell when a topic actually matters to him. Also recently he's said a couple of things that have made me realise he's a bit of a feminist these days - most notably when talking about the Australian male DJ who took a pay cut to match the salary of his female co-presenter. Those moments really make it worth listening. I understand he can't talk about these things all the time, the mood needs to be lightened, but I so wish it wasn't with endless fart noises.

Agree entirely here - the morning after Michael Jackson died always resonates with me as that was a beautiful show, it helped a lot that Aled was there as he was the real MJ nut but the way Chris talked about it - was the exact same things we were all saying. It was just shock. That was a great show.
So Toby Tarrent is taking over Jacks mid morning show 10am-1pm from Monday, he’s just announced it on his Twitter. No surprise when Jack Saunders announced he was leaving that he was taking over. At least he has a bit more of personality!

P.s. I really think the show has struggled this week without Dom.
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