The place where everyone hangs out, chats, gossips, and argues
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By Yudster
Yep, cotton candy = candy floss. Maybe dental floss could be cotton string, I don't know!
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By MK Chris
jeddeth wrote:Also, I saw the twins on BB8 eating "rock" which looked red and taffy like. What is that? Here in New York rock is crack cocaine.

Rock (in the sense that I believe you're talking about) is a hard 'stick' of sweet that is traditionally sold at seaside resorts, it normally has the name of the resort written all the way through it.


I don't like rock (or candy floss).
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By Yudster
Traditionally mint flavour, although you can get pineapple, other fruit flavour, and in some parts of the West country, you can get my favourite which is Clotted Cream flavour rock.

Are you now going to need to have clotted cream explained to you, or do you know about such things in America?
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By jeddeth
I have no idea what clotted cream is, but I want to try it!

And yeah, I mean floss, I don't know where I came up with string... I just got confused. The rock looks pretty good. We don't have anything like that besides maybe candy canes (that you hang on the christmas tree).
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By Yudster
You are right jeddeth, you really do want to try clotted cream. You can get it sent by mail, but whether it would survive a transatlantic journey I don't know.
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By Yudster
It is absolutely delicious, trust me. I get it from the post office in Widdecombe-in-the-Moor.
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By MK Chris
I am going to Devon again in October. Should be a laugh.
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By Yudster
I haven't been for ages and its painful how much I miss it.
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By MK Chris
I go every year now (though this will only be my third year) to Brixham, it usually coincides with my birthday week. Some of it is at a table tennis tournament but we extend it to spend a few days out and about there. Think we may try Paignton Zoo this time.
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By Yudster
Brixham is nice, but I don't really do the coast - my ideal holiday is spent walking on Dartmoor.
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By Walter Sobchak
Its years since I went to Brixham, can you still watch the birds nesting on the cliffs on tellly there?

My mum used to live in north devon, near a village called Hartland.
Their was a shop there that was a Grocer store/Greengrocer/Fish & Chip shop/cafe and on a sunday served as the newsagent, strange thing was you would buy a sunday paper and have your choice of a magazine from any paper!

Another weird thing there was they had the shop phone number on little cards, not so strange? ... well that was in case of fire, you didn't phone 999 you called the shop and they would send out some blokes in a landrover fire engine - they would also call the real fire brigade for you!
that was because Hartland was quite a journey through country lanes from the nearest town, it would take the fire service about 30-45 minutes to get there.

one of my mums neighbours (2 miles across the valley!) was a crazy lady who had a pixie park. we visited there and I chuckled at something she said, she shouted that we were unbelievers and told us all to leave, telling us the pixies (piskeys) were unhappy with us, so we'd better watch out! that night my mums generator packed up, so we had no electric at her house!

Awww! Happy days

Devon - "They'm all mazed" :D
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By jeddeth
Clotted Cream looks like the cream we put on cinimon rolls. Do you guys have cinnibon? yummmmm.

Other than that, I've never heard of any of the places you guys are talking about. I assume they are beach towns in the south?
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By Yudster
Not necessarily beach, but Devon is part of the south western peninsula, the toe part of England. Cornwall is the end bit, a bit further in is Devon - both of those have north and south coasts. Then the northern part of the peninsula is Somerset (where Glastonbury happens) and the southern part is Dorset. There is a long-distance coastal path which runs from Minehead in Somerset to Poole in Dorset, its 500 miles in total, and I want to walk it one day. There is a lot more of the south coast, the SW peninsular counties only make up about a third of its length I think, if that.
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By kendra k
i know i shouldn't answer this as i'm not a brit (i hope i'm not a stupid american either), but aren't they called teenage mutant hero turtles? i've been lectured about it before. wikipedia discusses the controversy.
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By MK Chris
I like this bit:
The lyrics were also changed, such as changing "Splinter taught them to be ninja teens" to the "Splinter taught them to be fighting teens."

Because fighting is non-violent.
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By Yudster
jeddeth wrote:Okay, stupid American question:

You guys have the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but you call them the Teenage Mutant Turtles?

Do you have something against ninjas? Ninjas are awesome, don't you know?

(if you don't know )

For some obscure reason "ninja" was deemed too adult for the target audience, so we had poncy Hero Turtles. Nobody ever said Hero though, only the stupid TV. Heros in a half shell, Brussel Sprouts.
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By MK Chris
You seem quite angry about that, Yudster.
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By Yudster
No, but I did think it was stupid. And disrespectful to Ninjas, possibly. At least, thats a risk I would prefer not to take. I don't think upsetting a Ninja would be all that good for one's health.
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