Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By dimtimjim
So any of you been keeping up to date with the F1 testing at Jerez (where I crashed my bike at last corner last Oct...)?

It has been very interesting so far with any car with a Renault engine doing hardly any laps. Also, I think the new cars sound quite good too, not quite as 'angry' but still sound purposeful and powerful.

And silly Bernie and his double point system for last 3 races; wank-shit idea. Silly old man.

Really looking forward to this season...
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By dimtimjim
Wow... Not even the known F1 fans can be arsed to comment.

Sad times for
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By Topher
I've been writing a reply to this about four times and each time not had time to finish it but suffice to say it's a very interesting start to a season - the most interesting in a long time, not just because of the rule changes, but also with Boullier taking over as team principal at McLaren and Martin Whitmarsh (sadly because I like him) now seemingly out of a job after Ron Dennis staged his internal coup.
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By dimtimjim
^^ Ah-ha, my guilt trip worked then! (yes, I was talking about you :wink: )

Next test coming up soon, lets see what Reno have managed to do...
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By The Deadly
I disagree with him entirely but I think people should be entitled to their own views.
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By chrysostom
But you're a moron if you're the president of a global sport then publicly & staunchly subscribe to a view which is likely to offend a huge amount of people - while providing support to Putin.
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By Topher
He is a morally corrupt man though. He can afford to back anyone's views he chooses because it won't affect his hold on the sport, which is virtually indestructible.
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By dimtimjim
The old twat Bernie saying/doing completely wrong things is no surprise to me. As T-pain points out, he is the epitome of corruption, and he hails from a time when sexism/racism/homophobia et al were not such hideously outdated concepts.
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By dimtimjim
I think (hope) Williams are about to come back into some form, maybe not quite 'early 90's' form, but certainly better than the last 5-10 years!
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By Topher
I hope so too, I think it could be a good year for them.
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By dimtimjim
Thank feck Rosberg finally had mechanical issues... brings things a little more in line.

C'mon Lewis!
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By Topher
It's the only bit of bad luck he's had - as I was saying on Saturday, if Lewis had finished the two races he'd been forced to retire, even if you assume he'd finished behind Rosberg in both of them, he would have been leading the Championship up to Silverstone (and obviously even more after it).
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By Bruvva
HANG ON A MINUTE. Something interesting happened in F1...NAUGHTY Rosberg deliberately crashing into Hamilton.
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By The Deadly
F1 is always interesting. If you watched it regularly you'd know that.
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By dimtimjim
Yeah, F1 is good this season...

But, naughty Rosberg - typical German tactics; It's like Shoemaker is back again!
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By Topher
I think it's fair to say the gloves are well and truly off now. I don't believe Lewis would come out and say what he did if it wasn't true, so I think it's fair to say it was deliberate move, although I guess it could have been misunderstood (unlikely).
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By The Deadly
It was massively deliberate and was undoubtedly just done to prove a point as Lewis said. I think Rosberg hasn't been given the plaudits he feels he deserves despite leading the championship and wanted to show who was boss. Also due to the amount of points he is ahead of Lewis damage to his car would hurt him a lot less in the long run than Lewis.

Saturday is up