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By Bruvva
Well, * me, that was superb.

Daleks, Zygons, Capaldi......Bad Wolf..

And Tom Baker. I had a genuine and absolute fanboi explosion at that moment.
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By Badger Mark
I thought it was pretty good also. I had forgotten that Tom Baker was going to be in it. Great to see him again as The Doctor.
By JayE
I didn't watch it, I watched The X Factor instead, it reminded me how much I hate the X Factor, won't be doing that again.
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By Nicola_Red
I don't watch Dr Who, but I watched An Adventure in Space and Time and really enjoyed it. I'm a sucker for historical dramatisations, and the portrayal of William Hartnett's last days as the Doctor was really sad and touching.

I also enjoyed the JFK: News of a Shooting doc presented by George Clooney that was on More4 on Friday. I'm really fascinated by everything surrounding the Kennedy assassination. There was also a dramatisation on on Saturday night, starring Rob Lowe, but I haven't watched that one yet. And I also want to see the film that came out on Friday.
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By dimtimjim
I've not been watching the 'new' Doctor Who's over the last decade(ish) but used to watch it as a kid. 'Er indoors wanted to watch it, so we did. Was ok... Suppose it might have mode slightly more sense were I a DW buff, but...
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By chrysostom
Bruvva wrote:And Tom Baker. I had a genuine and absolute fanboi explosion at that moment.

This. My girlfriend must have thought I was mad given my reaction She had no idea who he was.
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By The Deadly
I hope the explenation for him not being dead is a believable one. Could ruin everything if it's really lame.
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By Topher
Judging by the previous series', I have every faith it will be fine in the hands of Moffat and Gatiss.
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By Topher
SHERLOCKGASM. I've been waiting two years for TV this good.
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By Bruvva
Sherlock lived up to expectations, more of a character based episode than a mystery to be solved which was good and needed to get the Holmes/Watson relationship back to normal. Loved that they didn't really resolve how Sherlock survived the end of the last series and left it open ended because whichever solution they offered, there'd be people who would be unsatisfied by whatever explanation was offered (illustrated beautifully by Sherlock's interview with a journalist near the end).

As an aside, I loved the gentle pokes at the 'shipping community - Holmes and Moriarty kissing, Holmes and Molly Hooper getting it on.
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By Nicola_Red
I have saved Sherlock cos I wanted to watch David Blaine: Real or Magic on c4, which was awesome. Also last night finally watched the Queer as Pop documentary on 4oD, which was great - really interesting.
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By Bruvva
There's something about Blaine that leaves me a bit cold for some reason, couldn't tell you why. Good at what he does but I just can't take to him.

Oh, new series of American Horror Story is quite good - witches, voodoo, zombies and Jessica Lange, Kathy Bates and Angela Bassett being just brilliant.
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By Yudster
David Blaine has dead eyes.
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By chrysostom
Bruvva wrote:Sherlock lived up to expectations, more of a character based episode than a mystery to be solved which was good and needed to get the Holmes/Watson relationship back to normal. Loved that they didn't really resolve how Sherlock survived the end of the last series and left it open ended because whichever solution they offered, there'd be people who would be unsatisfied by whatever explanation was offered (illustrated beautifully by Sherlock's interview with a journalist near the end).

As an aside, I loved the gentle pokes at the 'shipping community - Holmes and Moriarty kissing, Holmes and Molly Hooper getting it on.

While I agree with all the points - I wasn't happy with a third of the series being dedicated to what was essentially "I'm back", "How did I do it", filler & in jokes. As Toph said, we've waited 2 years! It's classic Moffat/Doctor Who padding & had tones of the disappointment that was the Doctor Who Christmas special.

I think the interesting bits from that episode could have been summed up in a series of 5 minute webisodes - much higher expectations of episode 2.
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By Bruvva
I think it suffered from the weight of expectation really, everyone had been waiting for two years and built it up so naturally, some people were disappointed as they believed it would live up to their expectations which were, in the main, impossibly high.

I'll skip over the tube gaffes as a) that would mark me out as a geek and b) Bond made the same errors so I'll let them off.
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By chrysostom
The tube mistakes made me so annoyed. In Bond you expect them to favour style over substance as they're for an international market - disappointed that attention to detail isn't the primary concern in a Sherlock Holmes adaptation.
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By Topher
Bruvva wrote:I'll skip over the tube gaffes as a) that would mark me out as a geek

I'd like to respectfully point out that it's too late for that... go on, I'm interested.

I thought it was brilliant I must admit... I think Mary is great and I loved the development in the relationship between Sherlock and Mycroft.

Edit: does anyone else think the Watson kidnapping was done to expose a weakness in Sherlock's otherwise impenetrable emotional side for later exploitation?
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By Topher
*Car ;)
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By chrysostom
While I'm complaining, that bit was purely for the US folk who of course would be unable to decipher that car is a contraction of carriage. Grr.
By bmstinton93
For some reason I have never watched Sherlock so I am catching up this weekend. Just finished season 1 this morning and am loving it so far! Hopefully I'll catch up before the new episode tomorrow night!
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By chrysostom
Having been away for 2 years, I think I was hoping for more of an epic story arc from Sherlock - however it's just a bit of light hearted mystery solving. Not awful, but certainly not in the same league as the first 2 series.
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