Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Sidders
Anyway, despite what I have said, I'm fairly sure if I was in your situation, I would do whatever is the easiest thing to do, which in this case is to probably just carry on the way you are.

So please feel free to disregard my advise.
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By Yudster
theflyingbadger wrote:Ach * it. Wasn't going to say anything but felt compelled to chip in my two pence (TM johnny1989, circa 11/1/11).

Right folks, why don't we just back the * away from the Benji bashing.

Ahem. It's Ben who has put it all out in the open on here. No one is prying, no one is being nosey - Ben chose to put this particular piece of laundry out and invited us all to look at it and comment. Ben continues to do so.
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By Travis Bickle
theflyingbadger wrote:Ach * it. Wasn't going to say anything but felt compelled to chip in my two pence (TM johnny1989, circa 11/1/11).

Right folks, why don't we just back the * away from the Benji bashing. He's young, dumb and full of *. He has stated categorically, many times over, this was a situation forced upon him and he's dealing with it the best way he can.

He was emotionally involved with a girl he obviously liked, for a short frame of time (well to us oldies anyways, 6 weeks in teenager terms in monumental), so much so that he felt compelled to announce to us on here that he was in a relationship.
More weeks of eye gazing at each other were to follow then... A big ol' sperm meets egg bomb was dropped on him.
Not even his own wayward babymaking juice mind, some other * who probably thought wiping his * on the sheets after doing it was a perfectly good method of contraception.

He's dealt with that news, dealt with the pregnancy and now the arrival of the wee bundle, all in what he thought was the best way of dealing with it.
It may not be to everyone's liking but unless you're * Mystic Meg you haven't got any * idea how this relationship is going to pan out.
I mean how many of you at 18/19 were thinking the relationship you were at that moment was going to be your happily ever after. He's obviously still happy, she's obviously still putting out.
Win, win.

Please don't reply with the usual 'what about the baby' bollocks. The wee one's weeks old, sleeping shitting and drinking. All it's looking for is the feel of a comfy bosom and a dry pair of pants in the morning. Once more love and support is needed maybe Ben will be more willing to offer it. I hope so.
They're might still be a happy ever after. Stranger things have happened.
*! I'm still married after 6 years. Some * figure that one out.

Why do you need to be so crude? Other than that, I think you have got it spot on. Some of the replies in this thread, by people who should know better, are very disapointing.
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By jocky85
So looking after the baby this week is 'not getting involved' - what starts as half an hour here & there ………… remember she's a woman, it's like carrying their bags once when out shopping, a slippery slope!
By bmstinton93
jocky85 wrote:So looking after the baby this week is 'not getting involved' - what starts as half an hour here & there ………… remember she's a woman, it's like carrying their bags once when out shopping, a slippery slope!

I knew you'd comment on that one. I really don't have a response but Katie has an interview and I'll go with her and wait for her and everything, just thought it would make everything easier if I took him while she's actually in the interview. I suppose when she found out she was pregnant I completely was against it but my attitude slowly changed and it will probably happen again slowly with this.
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By Yudster
I know you won't believe this Ben, but nothing I have said here is personal and I genuinely hope you manage to make this work. I can't for the life of me see how you will, but what the * do I know about anything?

Keep plugging away lad.
By bmstinton93
Oh I know all that. And I have always liked hearing the comments about it. But just lately, and I'm not sure why I just don't want to. I know that right now nobody will be able to tell me what to do I've just gotta do what I think is best. At the end of the day I've made it this far. If it all goes wrong then it all goes wrong and I'll have to move on.
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By dimtimjim
Look yoof, you're young and moving into lifes next chapter. Yuds is right, you did open this up for public debate and as such you should expect a variety of opinion, some of which you won't like. What you need to do is read through all the various opinions and advice and pick out and retain what you feel is right.

No matter what anyone on here, or FB etc, says about this whole situation, you have a very tricky path ahead of you, no matter the outcome.

But Ben, jus' so you know, as a fact, not an opinion, that baby will need more and more from YOU over the months/years should you still be involved with the mother. Sure, at the moment he's just eating, $hiting and sleeping, but it doesn't stay that way. You will either need to accept some level of involvement or move on yourself.

I do have views on what you should do, but they are my views and they are based on my experiences from my 33 years on this planet. But, irrespective of my views, I do wish you all the best Ben, I really do.

So, to repeat. Not Benji-bashing, jus' concerned opinions from those with a little more mileage under their belts. Take on board what you will and ignore the rest.
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By Nicola_Red
If you want me to lock the thread I will do Ben, just let me know. :)
By bmstinton93
Nah don't worry about it. I'm strong, it doesn't affect me that much hearing it all.
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By dimtimjim
Good lad. Locking it after asking for others thoughts would be little daft...

As I said; read, digest, discard what you don't want - you've lost nothing by gaining opinions of others.
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By Nicola_Red
Good. I've always believed that if you put yourself out there on the internet, whether it's your situation, opinions, beliefs, photos or anything else, you gotta be prepared for whatever comes back atcha. I've been called fat and ugly more than once - never on here, thankfully!
By bmstinton93
Exactly. I initially asked everyone to comment and I'm not going back on that now.
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By Sidders
Nicola_Red wrote:Good. I've always believed that if you put yourself out there on the internet, whether it's your situation, opinions, beliefs, photos or anything else, you gotta be prepared for whatever comes back atcha. I've been called fat and ugly more than once - never on here, thankfully!

Shut it fattie ;)
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By Nicola_Red
Sidders wrote:
Nicola_Red wrote:Good. I've always believed that if you put yourself out there on the internet, whether it's your situation, opinions, beliefs, photos or anything else, you gotta be prepared for whatever comes back atcha. I've been called fat and ugly more than once - never on here, thankfully!

Shut it fattie ;)

You have to know what I look like to pull that off with any conviction ;)
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By dimtimjim
Nicola_Red wrote:You have to know what I look like to pull that off with any conviction ;)

We established this: Uma Thurman.
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By a-moron
Travis Bickle wrote:
theflyingbadger wrote:Lots of profanity followed

Why do you need to be so crude? Other than that, I think you have got it spot on. Some of the replies in this thread, by people who should know better, are very disapointing.

Sorry sir, won't happen again sir.

Funny thing is I do actually converse and text with friends in a similar manner. Point duly noted that I was a bit over the top with the rudies.

bmstinton93 wrote:He was pissed when the said post was typed...

No need for that in there, makes the sentence clunky as *.
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By foot-loose
I've not read the whole topic, Ben, I hope things are working out ok. x
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By Boboff
Ben as long as you all are happy, who gives a monkeys?

I hope that you all are.

Plus if you're nice with the baby you are more likely to have Oral Sex: FACT
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By chrysostom
boboff wrote:if you're nice with the baby you are more likely to have Oral Sex

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By dimtimjim
boboff wrote:Plus if you're nice with the baby you are more likely to have Oral Sex: FACT

By bmstinton93
boboff wrote:Ben as long as you all are happy, who gives a monkeys?

I hope that you all are.

Plus if you're nice with the baby you are more likely to have Oral Sex: FACT

Best let Katie know that one :P
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