Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
By bmstinton93
Yeah I'm not sure if that's gonna be a problem. I might have to reset the season. Its because me and Bonanzoid played our 2 games before the rest had joined so it thought the season was over. I'm not sure if it will let us just carry on now you've joined. If not then there's a button just to reset it.
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By Yudster
This is going SO smoothly.
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By chrysostom
Bonzanoid and I just had 2 cracking matches - both ending in 4-4, with me scoring in the last minute in the first match and him scoring in the last minute in the second.
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By Yudster
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By Bonanzoid
I really hope this doesn't sound condescending, because I don't mean it to be, but you were much better on the ball tonight. I'm sure I had less possession than our previous games.
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By Bonanzoid
Anyone on today? This has still to get up and running properly (shush Yuds)

I'll be keen until 6, then it's back to back football on terrestrial TV. Swish!
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By Yudster
FIFA 12 is CRAP. Baby Yudster has been playing it and the commentary is so skimpily done - how difficult would it be to make it better? BY was playing as goalkeeper and scored five goals in a match and there was nothing in the commentary to illustrate that. This is 2012 for goodness sake, sort it out!
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By Bonanzoid
Playing solely as a goalkeeper? That's probably why it's crap, that would be so dull. Play as the full team and it's brilliant. Technically it's a good game, it's the closest to realistic football a computer game has come. Bar the few inevitable faults obviously.
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By Yudster
Give him a chance, he's only just 8 - let him muck around with playing the keeper if he wants! I just think the commentary ought to be able to support a few more scenarios than it does.

Saturday is up