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Kit Kat or Twix

Kit Kat
Kit Kat
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Kit Kat
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Kit Kat
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By a-moron
dimtimjim wrote:Like B*Witched.....!

What's not to love about those denim clad popsters and their cheeky lyrics.
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By Zoot
theflyingbadger wrote:
dimtimjim wrote:Like B*Witched.....!

What's not to love about those denim clad popsters and their cheeky lyrics.

I've got a house with windows and doors, I'll show you mine if you show me yours.
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By a-moron
Zoot wrote:
theflyingbadger wrote:
dimtimjim wrote:Like B*Witched.....!

What's not to love about those denim clad popsters and their cheeky lyrics.

I've got a house with windows and doors, I'll show you mine if you show me yours.

Do you play with the girls, play with the boys ?
Do you ever get lonely playing with your toys ?

Pure filth!
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By Zoot
bmstinton93 wrote:Everybody says I look like my Dad

That's wrong - it should be ' I look like m' Da'
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By Zoot
theflyingbadger wrote:This your Karaoke song then Zoot.

If they made a 'Zoot - The Movie', it would be the theme song Badger.
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By a-moron
Blame it on the Weatherman was gash! C'est la vie is unrivalled in the B*Witched back catalogue.

Zoot wrote:If they made a 'Zoot - The Movie', it would be the theme song Badger.

I'd like Wizbit as mine.
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By dimtimjim
Ha ha this a-way, ha ha that etc etc.......

theme from Kickstart for me...! :D
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By a-moron
Been raking my brains for hours trying to remember that tune (no speakers at work) and it finally popped into my head. Great wee tune, great tv show and even had the game for my old Commodore 64. Bunny hopping-shit bit rate-tastic.
By R94N
theflyingbadger wrote:Plus Kitkat now has a caramel option, granted it's shite, but contains caramel none the less.

I haven't tried that, although I did try the peanut butter ones they had and they were great.
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By foot-loose
Last time I voted for "foots touched me" and, with the exception of one of you, I was the only honest one. This time, obviously, I went for Twix.

By bmstinton93
foot-loose wrote:Last time I voted for "foots touched me" and, with the exception of one of you, I was the only honest one.

Me or Tim...?
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By a-moron
If you're having to ask, then it wis'nae you he touched Benji boy.

As an aside, Foots always touches me his written text...

Also with his boaby now and again but it's never inappropriately.
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By DevilsDuck

Lets try this one more time...

Poll reset
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By MK Chris
I refuse to vote in the absence of a correct answer.
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By Yudster
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By DevilsDuck
I think you will find kit kat is winning you tools

Saturday is up