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Kit Kat or Twix

Kit Kat
Kit Kat
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Kit Kat
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Kit Kat
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By MK Chris
When you was a kid they put cocaine into Coca-Cola.
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By S4B
Topher wrote:When you was a kid they put cocaine into Coca-Cola.

TOPHER!!!! Grammar!

I wish you were right, mind you I'm not a Coca-Cola girl, I'm more of a Sprite fan when I have fizzy stuff.
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By foot-loose
S4B wrote:So Mr Loose, how can we change people's opinion on this matter? I'm with you all the way (although I rarely have either) Twix used to be nice when I was a kid but I think they changed the recipe.

I'm not too fussed about changing peoples opinion as such. It's just that they should at least know they are wrong and we are right. I almost feel sorry for them.
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By foot-loose
I rarely eat them though.

There are, in fact, better biscuits out there. 'Gold' for example. And 'Club'.
By Ezza
Hahaha. Thats quite amusing.
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By Zoot
Because it belongs in here - Image
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By DevilsDuck
Zoot wrote:Because it belongs in here - Image

*sides split*
*pisses pants*
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By Yudster
I do like Kit Kat Chunky. That seems to be able to transcend the crapness of wafer successfully.
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By DevilsDuck
Come on! We all now that Kit Kat > we just need it official!
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By Yudster
Personally I prefer Twix.
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By McGuinness-89
I enjoy a chocolatey finger either way, so I went for option 4... :-P :-D
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By a-moron
Got to be the little red bundle of tasty goodness for me.
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By Johnny 1989
I'm sorry no, where are Drifter's on this poll, they definitely should have been on there, I am outraged & will not take part in this at all.... :x

That been said Twix are better than Kit Kats any day of the week :D
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By Nicola_Red
I'm the only one who's voted I don't care, cos I can't eat either :) I noticed recently that there is a dark choc Kit-Kat now but no, they still have to sneak dairy products in there, the little blighters.
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By DevilsDuck
Grrr *shakes fist*

As for Drifter...there would be no point in doing the poll...drifter would win hands down!
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By Johnny 1989
DevilsDuck wrote:Grrr *shakes fist*

As for Drifter...there would be no point in doing the poll...drifter would win hands down!

See Duck I knew you had sense & taste ;)
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By Yudster
I don't like Drifter, it has wafer in it. It looks like it ought to be substantia=l and yummy like a Twix, but you bite into it and BAM, there's nothing but tasteless crispy air. Wafer should be banned.
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By DevilsDuck
shut your face know nothing and are always wrong!
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By Johnny 1989
Yudster wrote:I don't like Drifter, it has wafer in it. It looks like it ought to be substantia=l and yummy like a Twix, but you bite into it and BAM, there's nothing but tasteless crispy air. Wafer should be banned.

Drifter's are excellent, tasty bars, I'm afraid you're wrong on this one Yuds :-P
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By Yudster
Wafer is bad. Drifter has wafer. I do not like Drifter. It also has peanuts which are only good with chocolate in certain Snickers, Reese's or Hershey related circumstances. Drifter is not a good thing.

Kit Kat Chunky is nice but only if its really chilled. That has enough chocolate on it to make the wafer ok. I expect Drifter Chunky might be ok too, but it doesn't exist.
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By DevilsDuck
Drifter has peanuts?

I must be thinking of something else!

Saturday is up