Always wanted to know something about the show? This is the place to 'Ask Aled'!
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By Aled
Console wrote:Aled, I may have spotted you in 24. Though it is a little hard to tell. :?:





I would be grateful if anyone could clear these up at all.

These are from Hour 23, about 05:10 (CTU Time).

You're spot on with the scene - but I'm afaraid that's not me. That guy is another extra who has a tablet computer in which he wrote "b*ll*cks" on it to try and make me and Emma laugh while on camera.

That is Emma the competition winner on the right, I've seen a screen grab of me on the left hand side facing her in that very scene so I AM on it. I have the pic but I don't have it on a website only on my computer so I can't show it to you here.
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By Aled
Mk. wrote:I'm very jealous about the Big Brother house thing Aled. You guys should really try and get your time in there edited into an episode and put online or even on E4 or something. We'd all want to see it!

We had an AMAZING time. No doubt the stories will trickle out today and tomorrow with the full edition out on Friday. We're doing our own version of the Big Bro show on Friday - I don't think neither they nor we want the actual TV footage getting on TV or online! but don't worry there'll be screen grabs online.
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By Sidders
Aled wrote:I have the pic but I don't have it on a website only on my computer so I can't show it to you here.

Go here:

You can use that site to upload your image.
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By jc
I think this is Aled: (clearest frame I can get out of the 10-12 he appears in)


I think this is that other guy people keep talking about:


- jc
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
if thats him hes going bald.
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By Aled
Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:if thats him hes going bald.


That's me in the top picture on the right behind Edgar's shoulder but not me on the bottom picture going bald.
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
it was the bottom one i meant - that gut is late 40's to 50s

is it just me reminded of the leslie grantham photos when i look at that fella?
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By Adam
That's just wrong - but I can see what you mean...
By Jono
Congratulations on the Big Brother piece today Aled. Very amusing. Good radio.
By groovychick
Jono wrote:Congratulations on the Big Brother piece today Aled. Very amusing. Good radio.

Yes, great production work! :)
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By Uglybob
so u only see the back of the head
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By Aled
Jono wrote:Congratulations on the Big Brother piece today Aled. Very amusing. Good radio.

Thank you very much
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By Aled
groovychick wrote:
Jono wrote:Congratulations on the Big Brother piece today Aled. Very amusing. Good radio.

Yes, great production work! :)

Thank you
By groovychick
Did you see the I Love Aled poster in the crowd?
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By Uglybob
i reckon this years will be a damp squid after looking at the contestants. The thing that made the first 3 series was that it was still fresh and there wasnt that many rivals to it. Now as it starts, weve had the Farm just finished as with Hells Kitchen and Celebrity Love Island, its reality tv saturation.
The only reason it was interesting last year was because they knew beforehand each persons beliefs and made sure they had an enemy in the house before they even met.
Maybe in hindsight, they might come to realise the expression "Less is More". 13 housemates is going to drag this into a non event the first 6 weeks of it. Just keep with 10.
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By Adam

Not hearing the breakfast show, BB or reading the reviews (sorry chaps) - I was just wondering who you like and well don't like as much?
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By fish heads
Adam wrote:BB or reading the reviews (sorry chaps)

Aren't too many to read at the moment anyway. Many are busy with exams
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By Aled
Adam wrote:Aled,

Not hearing the breakfast show, BB or reading the reviews (sorry chaps) - I was just wondering who you like and well don't like as much?

My favourite is Makosi, and Derek is growing on me. The others frankly annoy me!
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By DemonHorse
I agree about Derek, I find him very amusing and entertaining. Maybe Makosi will grow on me now she can be herself without a secret task...
By Jono
Was Mary an easy person to ask questions at the press conference?
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By Aled
Jono wrote:Was Mary an easy person to ask questions at the press conference?

Yes, actually. She came across very well in the Press conference. much better than she did in the house
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By Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog
she looked like she was doing a presenting audition on BBLB.
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By gregs
Gaspode_The_Wonder_Dog wrote:she looked like she was doing a presenting audition on BBLB.

and was extremely irritating doing so
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By Quincy
she always looks like shes got a dirty face.

aled is her face still dirty looking close up as it was on the tv?
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