Always wanted to know something about the show? This is the place to 'Ask Aled'!
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By Aled
Tico987 wrote:How about releasing a DVD with the whole of the Marathon for Comic relief (minus the songs presumably) - 3 or 4 discs I'd imagine...£20 and the proceeds go to next years Comic Relief?

I watched as much as that as I possibly could but there were some bits I couldn't (work, sleep etc.)

I'd love to be able to watch it all again as it happened.

The number of hurdles you'd need to jump would make it not worth the fight!

Especially as BBC Worldwide would need to release it - and that's a separate company to us, it's not something I could make happen because I don't work for BBC Worldwide.

The non Worldwide corporation can't sell anything. We're licence fee funded only. Even if proceeds went to Comic Relief
I think you mentioned just after the july 11 announcement that the team would make their future plans clear by the time the show finished.Is this still likely to be the case or is it looking unlikely they'll know that soon?
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By Aled
Deadly wrote:Aled, just want to pass on my compliments on how great the last shows have been so far. Fantastic radio.

On behalf of the wide production team working stupid hours - thank you.
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By Aled
chrisjames wrote:I think you mentioned just after the july 11 announcement that the team would make their future plans clear by the time the show finished.Is this still likely to be the case or is it looking unlikely they'll know that soon?

It'll probably be a part of the last Friday show
Aled wrote:
SAV1OUR wrote:This would explain why the montages are sounding brilliant. I would imagine Ant is involved in these as they sound like podcast trails - and those have always been sublimely edited, so well done to him!

Yes, totally.

Are we liking the packages? Do they work?

Yep, definitely! Even though I haven't been listening right from the very beginning they are still very funny :)
Aled wrote:
chrisjames wrote:I think you mentioned just after the july 11 announcement that the team would make their future plans clear by the time the show finished.Is this still likely to be the case or is it looking unlikely they'll know that soon?

It'll probably be a part of the last Friday show

Cool.I'll really look forward to that!

PS just listened to todays interview with Rita Ora. Really funny.One of the best interviews ever!
Aled wrote:
SAV1OUR wrote:This would explain why the montages are sounding brilliant. I would imagine Ant is involved in these as they sound like podcast trails - and those have always been sublimely edited, so well done to him!

Yes, totally.

Are we liking the packages? Do they work?

I don't think you could do anything differently to be honest.

I don't think the obvious moments are necessarily the best, and the real laughs of the show come from routine conversations or little themes that have developed during individual shows, but to track back though 8+ years of shows to find those moments and then create the context for them during these brief packages would be impossible.

So I think the packages as you have done them is all you could have done. They are put together superbly and are working pretty well!
Aled wrote:
bwfcol wrote:Any chance of One Word Weather with Nelson Mandela making an appearance?

Tomorrow 8am

I thought that was a long shot! Yey.

I guess it was planned before my request? :D

I echo the thoughts of everyone on here, the shows are great!
chrisjames wrote:PS just listened to todays interview with Rita Ora. Really funny.One of the best interviews ever!

Are you serious? It was terrible. She clearly isn't a listener (even if she claimed to be) and isn't capable of making decent conversation. She gabbled, rambled and darted between subjects with no logical though process. She may be a talented singer/writer/whatever, but that doesn't necessarily make a good interviewee, and she was not one.
Aled - the stupid hours are hugely appreciated. You are all wonderful. I am actually only now beginning to realise how much I will miss you all in the mornings. But mostly - thanks for everything x.
Travis Bickle wrote:I don't think you could do anything differently to be honest.

I don't think the obvious moments are necessarily the best, and the real laughs of the show come from routine conversations or little themes that have developed during individual shows, but to track back though 8+ years of shows to find those moments and then create the context for them during these brief packages would be impossible.

So I think the packages as you have done them is all you could have done. They are put together superbly and are working pretty well!

Yeah spot on. Also, I think if we didn't have the archive we did, these little teasers would be pretty agonising - knowing the original shows existed at Radio 1, but with no way for the public to get at them (along with 99% of the BBC Archive - don't get me started on that). But this site has always had an excellent sound vault, we're pretty lucky really, but it's a testament to the quality of the show that sites like this exist and also wish to keep the material for posterity. I can't think of much better compliments that could be made, to be honest. If it was shit, it'd all get forgotten about, like the vast majority of radio crap out there.
Aled, I was mildly surprised earlier to hear Chris reference 'Dave Shags Supermodels' without the usual worrying over if you could say the word that makes the punchline. Are you able to get away with slightly less restrictions on language during the kids summer holidays?
Really enjoying the shows so far, thanks to everyone Aled.
I thought I had got a bit of a grip on my emotions, until I heard the 'it's almost time for us to go' jingle and literally every time It's played I well up! It going to be a difficult 12 shows :-(
We heard the 'shagging' comments this morning, my husband said it sounded like a part of Aled died the first time Chris said it!
Hi Aled,

I know you've probably been bombarded with questions regarding tickets for the penultimate show, but I saw you say on Twitter that you think the announcement may be on Wednesday? I've been listening to you guys throughout my school years and am now starting my final year of college, your show has been so influential on my life - I've gone on to study media because of you guys -you're my role models! However, I start back at college that Wednesday and I've made it my mission to get tickets, I would love nothing more than to be at the big send off, the closing of a chapter! But I can't apply if I'm at college! :(

I don't suppose the announcement could be made before 8am (or the day before would be even better)? I'd love the fair chance to part of the show, such a big mark in radio history!

All the best,


P.S. Good luck with the rest of the next three weeks, I'll be listening to every second of it.
How about One Road Travel or Yesterday's Weather? I used to love them. You can do my road if you want, there's only 5 houses on it and it's a cul De sac!
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