The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris
OPENING MONOLOGUE: Now broadcasting from
Hairy the hamster’s Hoover centre it’s the Chris Moyles show! Today we talk to
Kevin Spacey as he tells us about his Viking ancestors in our new in our new feature,
Spacey Invaders ! And now it’s ,The man who is allergic to scanty sandwich Chris

Nahhhhhh, you can’t taste the difference

In link 1, Chris missed the Peter Kay thing on TV last night. Then we list all the best
boozers we know. Have you been trollied with any famous people? Phone in!

In link 2, Chris brags about how many records he’s bought, at an Our Price offer.
Chris tells the story about someone who went to them and kept on asking them if they
wanted to drink some tequila slamers. What does the wise producer Ben say? “Hi
mate, I’m Ben nice to meet you”

In link 3, we get callers saying “we spend the day drinking with a famous darts
player” another says “I drunk with (some guy in Primal Scream)”

Link 4 brings us Noel Gallager’s baby being born and Noel being interviewed in the
pub. So we’re going to send Mel to find him! A caller says “ I seen Posh and Becks
and Jerry Springer” another has seen “The Lemonheads, Ash, Three colours red,
Cast, The Stereophonics, Melinda Messenger” and that list went on for a while.

In link 5 Mel heads off with his mobile phone in search of Noel Galacher. Mind you,
Mel has trouble finding himself, when he’s going for a pee. After Viaduct we get
connected to Mel for his live report! After he asks the bar guy that he is Noel’s
brother, Neil, the barman doesn’t let him see Noel. Then he say’s “my name’s Paul”
then, realising the barman is Austrian, he says “ I love going into the bush, your a real
spunk!” No joy though.

VIADUCT KRISTEN ( the one who had a baby) -V- HELEN
Kristen won and will be back tomorrow!

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