The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris
OPENING MONOLOGUE: Now broadcasting from The Day
Before Christmas it’s the Chris Moyles show! Today we talk to Steven Norris as he
offers us left over paxo in our new feature, Anyone for Stuffing?! And now its The
Grotto Superstar, Chris Moyles!

Might look the same, but it don’t taste the same.

In link 1, Chris wishes us all a Merry Christmas! Mel feels sick, Dave feels sick,
Chris is losing his voice, and Rhys is feeling fine! Chris was wrapping presents at 7 in
the morning! Mel’s present was only 3 quarters wrapped, so he has to look at the
other side. The studios are empty, with only the team, a security guard and Leon. Are
you working today or tomorrow? Phone in. Mel stands in the corner with Dave and
shouts “ IT’S CHRISTMAS!!!!” then, so does Dave.

In link 2, Rolf Harris was in the studios and we’re all shouting “IT’S CHRISTMAS”
if you can do that, phone in! Chris is the first DJ ever to play one of the millennium
trails too!

In link 3, callers call who are working today! No more calls because they’re lazy!
Mel can’t spell pizza, or pitza as he would say. Chris comes up with the idea of
Christmas challenges! Mel’s not answering the phones, so if you want a job....
Phone in for a challenge.
Link 4 brings us Chris talking to his dad. He’s been to a club, had a few pints, and
now going home for dinner. Just in case you wanted to know.
A caller calls for a challenge in link 5. The challenge is to go next door and say to the
occupant: “Gobble gobble gobble, I am a turkey, and I’m up for a good stuffing!” and
she does!
Jo’s playing and hit’s the wall, Rhys, and the studio clock!

Another caller phones for a challenge! The challenge being pull up at a pub, run in,
shout “ I have Comedy Dave in the boot of my car, does anyone have any spare
stuffing?” Then she has to run into the car and tell the driver to “ Drive you crazy
Kitten!” She does it, and makes a fool of her self.
Chris got his present from David the Photographer today! A T-shirt with “ DAVID
THE PHOTOGRAPHER” written on the front and on the back “SAVOUR OF
CHRIS MOYLES!” And the studio are kung fu fighting! Then Santa is in court for
Drinking while driving a Reindeer, Breaking and entering and other stuff.

And the advent calendar:
1. My dog has no nose! How does it smell? Through artificial implants.
2. What do you call a 3 legged Donkey? Wonkey!
3. What do you call a reindeer with no eyes? No idea!

97---99 FM____________Radio 1

Should be sorted now Thanks Ian , yes all ok no[…]

The show is now being streamed on video on the Glo[…]