The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris
OPENING MONOLOGUE: Now broadcasting from Hungry hippos
hip hop hotel it’s the Chris Moyles show! Today we talk to someone called Donny (
missed that one)to see if he can sew faster than a sewing machine in our new in our
new feature, Rage Against The Machine ! And now lets look at that boil one more
time it’s Chris Moyles!

Nahhhhhh, you can’t taste the difference

In link 1, Chris is talking about Mark and Lard being street-wise in the London
Studios by high-fiving Chris in the corridor. Chris asks everyone if they’re being
treated good. Rhys wants to buy a £400 chain to look like a pimp. When we all know
he’ll look like a pasty Mr T. Chris’ boil is scabbing and he’s done something to his
beard, ever seen Joseph on Shakespeare in Love? That’s what he tried and ended up
with a beard on his neck. Webcam moment.

In link 2, we get a caller saying that Chris should stick the beard back on.

In link 3, we get a visit from the lurve doctor. A new single out has a sample
from...ABBA! It’s called Hammer to The Heart. Dave loves it so much he has to list a
lot of “good” words. Then we get an appeal for callers because Trogladytes have
been calling up.

Link 4 brings us not enough songs to play and the lurve doctor. A caller wants to pep
up his love life with his fiancée, Chris says wear a costume! Another caller says she
loves her boyfriend but looks at women and loves them too, Chris says “me and Dave
look at women all the time and fancy them.”

Lydia won and will be back tomorrow.

Then a story about Rick Jackson, a DJ caught his willy in his zip. Ouch! The best bit
is that he had to go to hospital with a bandage. Then The Sun gives us their own
Cheesely Cheerful Chart ( Mark and Lards feature) about getting your manhood
getting caught in your zip. Then e-mails start flooding in with the DJ’s real name :
Richard Pockock, or something .

True Or False
No-one wins today, well, thats what happens ever day

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Saturday is up