The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris
OPENING MONOLOGUE: Now broadcasting from Blittzen, it’s
the Chris Moyles show! Today we talk to Johnny Vaughn about tyres in our new
feature, Rubber Johnny ! And now its The Man With The Jingley Bells , Chris

Might look the same, but it don’t taste the same.

In link 1, the nation went crazy when Rhys was on the Web cam. So will we
continue to rip the pee, or pick on someone else? Pick on some one else!! It’s Mel!!!
want to insult him? Phone in!

In link 2, Mel gets a lot of callers. Including a guy from Birmingham who wants to
sleep with him. We then talk about a film called animal farm, not the rich, good for
you book. But the bestiality one ( sex with animals)! Rhys doesn’t want to talk about
that one though. A caller made a poem about Mel. And Mel’s going to pose for the
web cam!

In link 3, a journalist was following Chris writing in short hand. A caller phoned
saying: “ I’m looking for wooooooooooooomen.” pathetic! We think Mel should pose
as John Travolta.

Link 4 brings us Mel skiving the web cam because “ he felt sick”. Rhys says “ you
can’t use a BBC website to show Mel’s bottom. But the nipples are fine!” So will
Mel show his nipples? What will his Girlfriend say? Chris bets £10 she’ll like it.

In link 5, a caller says “ I saw you on casting counch and all I can say is
ewwwwwww” another caller says “ Mel should wear a bikini, sitting on Rhys’ lap,
slapping his bald head.” Who wouldn’t pay the license fee for that?

Liz won the game, board games, PC games, a mad cow and will be back tomorrow!

Mel is ready and he will pose naked for the web cam! And we’ve got it!

1. What D describes Tarrapama Tomkinson and her Giran Giran Boyfriend?
2. What C describes Steve Lamacq’s diet? Cider.
3. What P describes Sam Fox’s late night antics? Pissed as a mule.

And the advent calendar:
1. What goes ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-bonk? A man laughing his head off.
2. Why did the chewing Gum cross the road? It was on the foot of the chicken.
3. Where does Jeremy Clarkson go for his holidays? Tosser.
4. Why did the one handed ghost cross the road? To get to the second hand shop.

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Saturday is up