The TV & Radio Show Reviews
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By Chris
OPENING MONOLOGUE: Now broadcasting from The Isle Of
White, it’s the Chris Moyles show! Today we talk to Jimmy White as he learns poems
and limericks, in our new feature Jimmy Riddle. And now it’s Chris Moyles.

Might Look the same, but it don’t taste the same

In link 1, Ben’s back! Because Rhys is on a skive, and since he’s been on the Jo
Whiley show he goes to clubs under weird names like “Plastercine” and “Cloth”.
Chris woke up at quarter to 12, but thats not lazy! So are you lazier? Phone in!

In link 2, we argue about Jo Whiley’s competitions and get a caller! She woke up at
quarter to 12 and just got dressed!

In link 3, we get more callers. One arse whose girlfriend woke up at 12, and a student
who woke up at half 12.

Link 4, blesses us with the Cheggers record with classic tunes like: the birdie song!
it’s a mobile DJ’s dream.

In link 5

Lorna won! She’ll be back tomorrow


1. What R is Jennifer Anniston proud of? Ring
2. What S describes Troy from Eastenders? Sweaty Soapdodger
3. What M could you use to describe Chris Evens? Merchant Banker

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Saturday is up