Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By dimtimjim
Badminton, swimming, motorcycling abroad, snowboarding, but mostly, being a dad. Tis the bestest hobby.

Edit: forgot PS3 :)
Last edited by dimtimjim on Wed May 22, 2013 8:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By nade
I guess lurking on forums could probably be considered a hobby of mine, whenever i'm not working.

And maybe i'm odd but all this talk of innuendo has got me hungry for a nandos takeaway.
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By Nicola_Red
I think at one time I would have classed being on forums as a hobby of mine too, but now I don't use any others apart from here. I think I 'replaced' them with stuff like Twitter and Pinterest. I forgot baking in mine though - I do like to bake.
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By chrysostom
Food is a massive hobby of mine. Cooking, reading about cooking, finding Michelin bargains (lunches especially), writing about restaurants...everything to do with food. Not surprising when you look at me!

Other than that, I devote a LOT of my time to reading, writing about and watching football.
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By Bonanzoid
I'm the same regarding football, I also play various instruments quite a lot. Apart from those, I'm quite dull.

Saturday is up