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By English Bob
#485311 ... music.html

Not sure what to make of this news. Adam Buxton will be hosting a show on 6Music on Saturdays, along with Edith Bowman.

To be fair, I heard an advert for the show, and it was quite funny. Buxton warns Edith that if she 'tries to say any cool Radio 1 things, you're out!' to which Edith replies...'Oh come on, it's gonna be mega lolz peak time!'

Hear the 6Music advert for the show here, at about 2:50.45 :D
It's weird, Edith used to annoy me when she was on 5 days a week in the afternoon and to an extent when she was on at weekends(I didn't enjoy hearing her voice particularly when I was hungover), but since she moved to Tuesday nights I kinda miss her.

Sounds like it'll be a good show.

Show is up, and platinum:[…]