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By chrysostom
Having been to the cinema twice in the last month (having not been in the last 8 months), to see 'The Amazing Spiderman' and 'The Dark Knight Rises' - I'm starting to gain an interest in film again (as I used to go almost every week) - so thought I'd throw a thread on here to discuss any films you've seen recently or think everyone should watch!

My golden oldie: Jerry Maguire. Sports rom-com with Tom Cruise, Rene Zellweger and Cuba Gooding Jr.
Last edited by chrysostom on Mon Jul 30, 2012 10:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By The Deadly
Best film I have seen in recent times is the Avengers 3D. I have always, always hated superhero movies and comics in general so I went into it with a really negative attitude, I only really went so my daughter could see it. I was absolutely blown away by it! The 3D was excellent and the sounds and action were immense.

Best film ever for me is Commando. It has everything and I believe I have seen it about 126 times now.
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By Nicola_Red
I haven't been to the cinema in ages now - haven't fancied anything that's been on. My all-time favourite film is Wayne's World. Still funny, still quotable, never fails to cheer me up if I'm down. I watched Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey last week for the first time in ages and I was shocked to find that I wasn't enjoying it that much - it just hasn't aged as well as WW.
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By Bas
Nicola_Red wrote:I haven't been to the cinema in ages now - haven't fancied anything that's been on. My all-time favourite film is Wayne's World. Still funny, still quotable, never fails to cheer me up if I'm down. I watched Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey last week for the first time in ages and I was shocked to find that I wasn't enjoying it that much - it just hasn't aged as well as WW.

Bogus. :(
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By chrysostom
charlalottie wrote:I will kill anyone who gets in the way of me seeing Ted.

I'm very excited about this. From what I've read, Seth McFarlane is desperate to win some awards for his work (as he feels that animated stuff is purposely overlooked), so I'm expecting this to be an epic in terms of writing.
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By dimtimjim
Me n 'er went to cinema on Saturday to see Batman, t'was most excellent.

Ted looks great.
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By Nicola_Red
I actually thought it looked terrible! Not to mention the fact that the voice is Brian. I know there's only so many voices that one person can produce, but still, it's BRIAN.
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By Bonanzoid
I saw it online, didn't realise it wasn't released here yet. Ted is brilliant. Had me in fits of laughs many times.
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By Yudster
I've said this before but if you ever have the opportunity to see the Chinese "art house" film Hero, with Jet Li, do so. Its simply staggeringly beautiful and completely absorbing.
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By St@rk
Hero was good - I found it in the bargain bin at ASDA recently - shocking!

Immortal for me (sci-fi geek): Serenity

Cowboys & Aliens surprised me, Watched it after Chris rambled on about it - was nice to see some Hollywood 'norms' broken.
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By neilt0
Films Wot I Saw July 2, 2012 - August 14, 2012.


Recommended for all film fans
Cronos (1993) -- All horror fans should see this. Mostly in Spanish, but has some English dialogue.
The Hunger Games (2012) -- Some people criticise it as being sanitised, but I liked it. I liked the premise and didn't care if we didn't see gore. I don't see that as a negative.
The Dark Knight Rises (2012) -- Great. Bit too long and voices were muffly, but still v. good.
Salinui chueok (2003) — a.k.a. Memories of Murder -- More Korean greatness.
Kokuhaku (2010) — a.k.a. Confessions -- Creepy Japanese shit. Solid thriller.
Coma (1978) -- I like all that old 70s conspiracy stuff.
M (1931) -- One of the greatest films of all time. Way better than I expected.
Heist (2001) -- I love a good heist.
The Big Heat (1953)
To Catch a Thief (1955)
The 39 Steps (1935)
Den som dræber - Fortidens skygge (2011) -- Yet Another Great Scandanavian Crime Thriller.
Wild Bill (2011) -- Lock Stock Meets A Western Set Next To The Olympics Construction Site. Dexter Fletcher's directorial debut.

You Know! For Kids!
Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (2012) -- Quite good.
The Pirates! Band of Misfits (2012) -- I was bored by this.

Good for fans of documentaries
Jiro Dreams of Sushi (2011) -- Good for foodies.
Marley (2012)
Who Is Harry Nilsson (And Why Is Everybody... (2010)
Casino Jack (2010) (not a doc, but based on a true story)
Comic-Con Episode Four: A Fan's Hope (2011)
Whores' Glory (2011) -- Quite depressing. Don't watch if feeling sad.
And Everything Is Going Fine (2010) -- I hated it and Spalding Grey. Pretentious twat. But other reviewers loved it!

Silly Action Films Worth Renting
Serbuan maut (2011) — a.k.a. The Raid: Redemption -- Incredible sound design. Let down a little by the paper-thin plot and quickly degenerates in to chop-socky action, but still good.
Mimic (1997)
Cleanskin (2012) -- Britfilm on a budget, but looks good. I felt it had a bit of an agenda, although I was never really sure what it was.
Battleship (2012) -- I BLOODY LOVED THIS! One of the greatest "silly action films" of recent years. Way better than Pearl Harbor or ID4 or Deep Impact. I need to see the latter two again though, as it's been too long.
Get the Gringo (2012) -- Good, not great. Mel Gibson is now Straight to DVD.

Semi-Good, A Bit Meh
Frequency (2000) -- I liked the premise, but it was overly sentimental.
Metropolis (1927) -- Not as great as "M".
Margaret (2011) -- Interesting, but a bit long and meandering.
Pale Rider (1985) -- I really don't like Westerns. Clint was good in this though. I like Clint.

How The F**k Did This Get Made?
The Big Year (2011) -- Bird watching! Bird watching? Bird watching.
The Three Stooges (2012) -- Why?
Being Flynn (2012) -- De Niro ruining his legacy again.
Barbarella (1968) -- Everyone must have been high as kites.
The Devil and Daniel Webster (2004) ... rtc,37810/
The Dictator (2012) -- I did have two or three huge laughs out of this, especially the Bin Laden bits, but otherwise it was on a par with "You Don't Mess With The Zohan", both in terms of the basic story and the level of comedy. We need Baron-Cohen in a better disguise so he can prank people again.
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By dimtimjim
I was bit disappointed with Super8. I've just bought and watched Avengers Assemble on DVD, ruddy great film, if you like that sort of thing... Love RDj and Ms Johansson in it.
By bmstinton93
I watched The Impossible the other day. I quite liked it. Quite dramatic but it's to be expected. Definitely worth a watch.
By JayE
I watched Keith Lemon the film yesterday evening. All I'm going to say is it was better than I thought it was going to be.
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By Bonanzoid
Anyone seen Jeff Who Lives At Home? I gave it a watch because Jason Segel is awesome, but I thought it was utter guff.
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By dimtimjim
Anyone seen Dredd?

The trailer looks ok to me, think I may get it later.
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By neilt0
dimtimjim wrote:Anyone seen Dredd?

The trailer looks ok to me, think I may get it later.

The Sweeney (2012)


This is a reboot of the 70s British cop show

It stars Ray Winstone, Ben Drew (AKA Plan B) and Damian Lewis.

This is a really nicely executed Brit action movie. It doesn't have the budget of something like RocknRolla, but makes excellent use of locations, including some I've never seen in a film of this type, particularly during the HEAT-esque shootout.

I just looked up the budget and unbelievably it was made for £2m. It looks way better than that.

Even for me, about 1/2 the whispering * dialogue is incomprehensible, so I had to switch on the subtitles. Ironically, Damian Lewis is the only one not whispering!

The plot is fairly simple and somewhat predictable -- as soon as that woman [spoiler]told Ray Winstone she was going to move in with him, I knew she'd be dead in the next scene,[/spoiler] but it's well made and very enjoyable.

To Rome With Love (2012)


Stupid, pointless, pretentious and annoying.
Midnight in Paris was excellent, one of Woody's best. This is pants. Penelope Cruz is very hot in it though.

John Dies at the End (2012)


Bill and Ted have a Naked Lunch and end up Evil Dead. I liked it. Recommended for horror/surrealism/quirkedy fans.

Compliance (2012)


Not as sexay, comic or sleazy as you might expect. Sad, and humiliating for everyone, including the viewer, really, but also a much better film than I was expecting. Ann Dowd (the store manager) is particularly good, especially in the final scene and is funding her own Oscar bid, as did Melissa Leo (successfully). Strongly recommended for rental. Not a good date movie, though.

The Paperboy (2012)


Dull and pointless, unless you want see Old Nicole Kidman being all sexified. By Old John Cusack. Some reviewers say it's like Showgirls -- so trashy, it's good. I disagree, it's just trash.

Dredd (2012)


This has great production design, costumes, cinematography and special effects. It looks fantastic, especially the "Slo-Mo" effect. Karl Urban and Olivia Thirlby are very good. Lena Headye is nuts.
However, there's really not enough story for an entire film. It feels more like a short story stretched out.

It's like a "bottle episode" of a TV show, it all takes place in one location, which makes it look a lot like Raid:Redemption. I can't believe it cost $45m. That money is not on the screen. It looks low budget it has no stars and could all be done in CG. It was even shot in South Africa. Where did all the money go? Up Alex Garland's nose? Apparently, he kicked the director off the edit. Well done, that worked. It was a huge flop.

Two docs that are worth a look:

In Vogue: The Editor's Eye (2012)
Doesn't seem to take fashion as seriously as "The September Issue". It's always comical to see the Vogue people spewing nonsense about how fashion is important to the world. It is not. But, this is a good doc.

The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom (2011)
Poignant, but uplifting doc that looks at some of the aftermath and survivors of the Japanese Tsunami.

Tucker: The Man and His Dream (1988)
Sanitized crap.

An American Werewolf in London (1981) [re-watch]
This still has the power to shock over 30 years later. The makeup effects for the dead people still hasn't been surpassed. The werewolf effects have been superceded by CG and other effects of today, so look a bit cheesy, but overall, it's still * scary. It was one of, if not the, first movies to mix comedy with horror and was a big hit in Britain.

I watched all the bonus features, and I think when I first moved to the town I currently live in, I heard that one of my local pubs was used as the location of The Slaughtered Lamb, but I thought it was bullshit. It's true.

I was also surprised to see the man on the right here, who worked on the creature makeup:


He was my first room-mate when I moved to said current town. We only lived together for about 6 or 8 months and didn't really interact much as he was a bit odd. I knew he was working on the special effects for the new Thunderbirds movie at the time, but despite my interest in the topic, he didn't want to really talk about that, he only seemed to want to complain that all the chemicals he had been exposed to over the years were killing him.
After watching the documentary about American Werewolf, I saw that it was "dedicated to the memory of Joe Ross".
*. He died in 2008 of "a muscular disorder".
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By MK Chris
I saw Flightplan the other night on BBC One (it was on in the background whilst I was working, then I got into it) - it was actually quite good, even though the outcome is a bit blindingly obvious.
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By Badger Mark
My daughter and I watched The Pirates! Band of Misfits from Aardman Animations this evening. Very entertaining.
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