Off-topic chat. May contain offensive language or images.
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By Nicola_Red
My cymba (upper ear hollow) is larger than my cavum (lower ear hollow), a feature possessed by only 1–2% of the Caucasian population. My brother is the same. Most earphones either fall out almost instantly or rattle when I walk, which is most annoying.
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By dimtimjim
not wanting to sound daft, but have you tried 'bud type' earphones? I always used to have massive problems with exactly the problem you describe, falling out etc. But bud type cure this issue, for me, anyway.
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By flyingbadger
Nicola_Red wrote:My cymba (upper ear hollow) is larger than my cavum (lower ear hollow), a feature possessed by only 1–2% of the Caucasian population. My brother is the same. Most earphones either fall out almost instantly or rattle when I walk, which is most annoying.

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By Nicola_Red
dimtimjim wrote:not wanting to sound daft, but have you tried 'bud type' earphones? I always used to have massive problems with exactly the problem you describe, falling out etc. But bud type cure this issue, for me, anyway.

Do you mean this type:


If so, they won't stay in my ears for even a second :( The ones I use look like this:

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By dimtimjim
Yes, I do mean that type, have you tried with different size buds? (I know Sony's come with 3 or 4 different sized buds to use).
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By Nicola_Red
No, admittedly I haven't. Maybe if I tried smaller ones they would work. I mean I'm fine with the ones I use at the moment, but if they get discontinued or amazon stop stocking them I'd be stuffed. Also they're probably not the best sound quality in the world.
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By dimtimjim
People who change their phone number regularly annoy me.

Me? I've had the exact same mobile number for nearly a decade.

Yet, sometimes I get messages from numbers my phone doesn't recognise, So, obviously I text back to enquire who it is. Then get greeted with an upset/annoyed message 'cos I don't know who they are!!! YOU CHANGED YOUR NUMBER *! NOT ME!

Only confirmed by the fact I will have stored for you: Person, PersonNew, PersonNew2, PersonNew3 etc etc. Yet here you are getting all offended...


rant over.
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By Topher
I don't mind people changing their numbers if they tell me. People I know of course, I don't want random strangers telling me their new number.

What annoys me is my dad... I now know if I get a text saying "this is my new number" with no name on it, that it's from my dad because he has done it at least three times.
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By dimtimjim
Topher wrote:I don't mind people changing their numbers if they tell me. People I know of course, I don't want random strangers telling me their new number.

What annoys me is my dad... I now know if I get a text saying "this is my new number" with no name on it, that it's from my dad because he has done it at least three times.

Yeah, that too!

Just "new number", like you only have 1 contact!!
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By Yudster
Topher wrote:I don't mind people changing their numbers if they tell me. People I know of course, I don't want random strangers telling me their new number.

What annoys me is my dad... I now know if I get a text saying "this is my new number" with no name on it, that it's from my dad because he has done it at least three times.

Apart from the time it was from me... :oops:
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By Bonanzoid
Aberdeen City Council's decision to send out 'No' endorsements for the independence referendum is annoying me. It doesn't seem like something they should be doing, regardless of whether it's for or against.

"Labour council leader Barney Crockett insisted it was the right decision.

He said: "We are completely confident that what we are doing is not political campaigning.""

He's clearly either a liar or an idiot.
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By chrysostom
To be fair, if Scotland do become independent - Aberdeen will play the part of the golden goose given it's huge oil income, without the benefit of being the capital city.


It would be incredibly likely that taxes for the higher earners would be raised to make up the deficit from leaving the UK, which wouldn't be ideal for Aberdeen's appeal for the oilers to stick around.
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By dimtimjim
Oil, Scotland's 3rd most popular product, behind crack and batter...
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By Bonanzoid
chrysostom wrote:To be fair, if Scotland do become independent - Aberdeen will play the part of the golden goose given it's huge oil income, without the benefit of being the capital city.


It would be incredibly likely that taxes for the higher earners would be raised to make up the deficit from leaving the UK, which wouldn't be ideal for Aberdeen's appeal for the oilers to stick around.

Maybe so, but my point wasn't so much that I agreed/disagreed with their message, just that I didn't think their actions were appropriate. The council shouldn't be sending around propaganda, and to then say explicitly that it isn't propaganda is just laughable.
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By Nicola_Red
Argh, I'm so irritated. A friend of mine and Mr Red - or perhaps in my case I should say former friend - who I've known for 15yrs has invited both me and Mr Red to her birthday night out in a couple weeks. She's going to the same old pubs that we used to go to back then, and despite having a kid, she just hasn't really changed or grown out of that tired old 90s nu-metal scene. She's also invited Mr Red's ex, and another former friend of ours who is known in our social group to hit his wife.

Mr Red and I have obviously both declined the invitation and today she told him, and I quote: "sometime soon you are going to have to suck it up, so to speak, and spend time in the same space as certain people. It would be the perfect opportunity too as there are plenty of people who you do get on with going."

It's made me so angry. She has been pretty much blanking me since Mr Red and I have been together cos she's friends with his ex, and now she's telling him that he "has to" spend time with these people we don't want to see in places we don't want to go to. Neither of us want his ex or the wife-beater in our lives - we've grown up and moved on. It's bizarre that she thinks we have to stay tied to this same group of people, and it's really got my goat. I know I can't change what she thinks of us, but I hate to think of them all sat there talking about us, probably saying that I'm responsible for Mr Red not wanting to hang out with them anymore. Grr. Sorry, rant over.
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By Bonanzoid
Shite day at work has left me in a moany mood, but why do people have to advertise their charity donations on Facebook? It's great that you have donated, but spare me the sanctimonious guff that comes with a screenshot. Just seems to be fishing for credit.

The bareface selfie thing isn't annoying me, but I do fail to see how it's related to breast cancer? If it works though, can't complain I guess.
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By chrysostom
Bonanzoid wrote:The bareface selfie thing isn't annoying me, but I do fail to see how it's related to breast cancer? If it works though, can't complain I guess.

It annoys the hell out of me, part of this culture in which raising awareness by doing something very simple starts to yield as much gratification as actually doing something proactive (much like I feel about the status of petitions in the last year or so). Essentially it's a ploy to own #nomakeup, which girls have been posting on instagram for months without doing it in the name of 'embarrassing' themselves.

This is a great article regarding the trend: ... 02929.html

"The entire thing smacks of the Beyoncé "I woke up like this" arrogance social media has seen us become so accustomed to. From superfluous ‘no filter’ reminders to boasts of being bare faced in a profile pic, the pretence these images are for anything other than an onslaught of ‘natural beauty’ acclamations, coupled with pats on the back for ‘fighting the cause’ makes the no makeup selfie mania even harder to stomach."

and most importantly this:

"You can’t help but wince at the fact uploading a picture of what you actually look like is now being deemed ‘brave’, especially when being held up against cancer"
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By Nicola_Red
Mr Red's mum had a heart attack and is in hospital. It seems like she's gonna be okay but...he's pretty upset. Kind of a bummer.
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By dimtimjim
GWS Mumma Red
By R94N
Completely agree with you there chrysostom. It's also part of the self-esteem movement where you can't say anything critical of anyone or anything because it's bullying. Everyone is so perfect and brave, look at these pictures!
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By Bruvva
After months of limping around thinking "my knee will get better", I find out today that I've buggered up (strained, not ruptured - that'd REALLY hurt) my cruciate ligament. Grrrrr.
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