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By dimtimjim
Deadly wrote:Dude they are swingers so they get jiggy all the time.

Too. Much. Info.
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By The Deadly
They are not that old. My mum had me when she was young. I'm not embarrassed by it. Good on them I say.
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By Yudster
When you say swingers, do you really mean swingers? Like - proper swingers? Because that's not cool bro.
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By dimtimjim
^^ Wot she sed.
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By Yudster
chrysostom wrote:
Yudster wrote:that's not cool bro.

why so?

Deadly said "dude". I had to. Its the law.
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By The Deadly
They are/used to be part of the swinging scene. They have lived their lives and are entitled to do as they please as far as I'm concerned. While I understand that kind of thing isn't for everyone they are grown adults who are having fun and doing what they want with their bodies. They have always been good to me and my kids which is all I care about and all that matters to me.
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By Yudster
Totally dude.
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By Nicola_Red
My dad's War of the Worlds new generation gatefold vinyl album arrived. It has a 52 page booklet and looks very nice, but it's sealed in plastic wrap. Can't decide whether to open it up and have a nosey...
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By Nicola_Red
Mm, I'm tempted. I wouldn't play the actual record or anything, obviously. Partly cos War of the Worlds scares me a bit, partly cos my turntable currently has no stylus on it (been meaning to replace it for about 4 years).

I have ordered my sister in law a personalised phone skin with a picture of their dog on it. It was quite cheap so I'll still need something else, but it's a start. I'm hoping it looks nice when it arrives.
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By dimtimjim
Nicola_Red wrote: War of the Worlds scares me a bit

i used to love the WotW sound track, not listened to it for years!

EDIT: ^^ Oh yeah, this shiz is quality. lurving it! Whoop!
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By Nicola_Red
My dad always listened to it on Sunday afternoons when I was a kid, and the spooky Richard Burton narration and the 'alien invasion' pics in his original vinyl gatefold copy scared the bejeesus out of me. I used to run up to my bedroom and hide.

Now I'm grown up (well, kind of), I recognise that it's a great piece of work, a real classic - but it still spooks me out a little bit :) My parents have seen the live show twice and are seeing it again this weekend, and my dad, who is the least enthusiastic person in the world, raves about it. But they have doubts about the revamped version, particularly the fact that they no longer use the Burton voiceover. Nevertheless, I think he'll like the record.
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By The Deadly
I bought a ticket to a football match for my son earlier. It will be his first ever real live game! (Watching me on a Saturday morning doesn't count!)
By JayE
Quite looking forward to Christmas this year. I'm going to be having a load of family over which is nice, On Christmas Eve I usually stay up really late then don't wake up until after noon on Christmas day. Opening presents with the family. Then later in the evening pig out on Christmas dinner and Christmas pudding I love Christmas Pudding! Then go to bed really late on Chirstmas night. :D I love this time of the year.
By christmasjames
In aplhabet ical order Santa's rei ndeer are:

Blitzen, Comet, Cupid, Dancer, Dasher, Donner, Prancer, Rudolph and Vixen.
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By Nicola_Red
At this point I shall break the forum rules (I'll issue myself with a warning later) and say: MEGALOLZ.
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By Yudster
Love your work christmasjames, love it.
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By Boboff
Did you know all the Reindeer are Female as the males do not have Antlers at this time of year.

Don't you just love the One Show!


Is the Royal Family on this year?, I hope not as it is no longer funny.
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