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By Sophie.
Does anyone else here watch it?

Hazel and Daley are just disgusting for doing this to his girlfriend, but I am loving Dexter and Gina. They are so fun!
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By Topher
Sophie. wrote:Does anyone else here watch it?

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By Wykey
Topher wrote:
Sophie. wrote:Does anyone else here watch it?


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By Nicola_Red
Sophie. wrote:Does anyone else here watch it?

I watched the first three - 2001, 02 and 03 I think. Never seen a second of the regular one since, although I did watch the Celeb one in 2006, the Chantelle and Preston one. I'm not sure why...
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By The Deadly
I have a zero tolerance policy on channel 5 so I don't watch it. The only thing that would be good about it is Emma Willis who is a massive piece of ass.
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By Topher
Channel 5 IS awful and now that it's owned by Richard Desmond, he uses all his products to advertise each other... the Daily Star runs daily front page 'news' articles advertising.. sorry, 'reporting on' Big Brother; Channel 5 runs no doubt dirt cheap adverts for the Express and Star; and all of them run ridiculous adverts for his health lottery.

Funny, none of them advertise his porn titles though - wonder what the Express readership would think of that.

Saturday is up