Request and download your Moyles-related sound or video clips in here
Joe Boy wrote:Yeah that's great, whenever you get a chance. I'm totally not offended, it's all good banter between friends. Dave doesn't sound particularly interested most of the time now though!

Absolutely, when people refer to his team as sycophants it really pisses me off, surely a lot of people have similar banter to them when they're out drinking or in the office, I know I certainly do :D

I think with Dave, he's just matured a lot from 1998, look at the * bit where he's doing accents and the like: "Who'd you have in the back of your caaaab" :lol:
Apologies for the lack of updates of recent, both myself & (so it seems) TIAL are rather busy at the moment

Anyway just a few things:

First off I have uploaded the September 1998 "podcast" again, this time at the correct speed (one link now may be slightly faster but, to be honest, anything sounds better slightly faster than slightly slower, in my opinion of course). I have left the original one up for now the second one is directly underneath.

Secondly I have clipped a few of my "favourite moments", basically these are clips that I have isolated from a show which are personal faves, Three moments here at present (downloadable here but will also added to the main page as well):

1) 1998 - * Moyles - Chris, Comedy Dave, Producer Ben Cooper & Simon "Melinda" Hollis all speak in a * accent, a caller tries (and fails) to put on a fake * accent & Simon Mayo also comments on how poor the impressions by the caller & the team are.

2) 2000/12/21 - You Owe Me Pal - From Melinda's last Live show, a one of game where Melinda asks Chris, Dave & producer Will "Grey Head" Kinder five random questions each, if they get a question wrong they owe Melinda a £1. However if they get a question right then "well done" as Melinda says :lol: This is from a show that I edited last year (rather badly) and has some "sound jump" issues, which shouldn't appear on this clip (I hope). I hope to re-tape Melinda's last show in the next week or so :D

3) 2001/09/28 - Me now is it love? - This incident occurs over two Newsbeat broadcasts, first time round the whole Newsbeat bulletin is in, second time round its chopped down. Sports reader Matt Williams leaves the mic open whilst shouting out "Me now is it love?" in a very camp voice, cue lots of camp jokes in which everyone, including Matt himself laughs at Moyles' mickey taking. (Claire, the newsreader can't stop laughing), obviously done long before the media hate campaign that is currently in motion.

Hope you enjoy these three clips, I think you will :D


Also, if anyone would like me to clip particular links/features from a particular show, just request it in this here thread & I shall do so when I have a spare five minutes.

Please note if you do all I ask for is the following:

* DJ & Date of show
* Time(s) where the link(s) occur in the aforementioned show.
Johnny 1989 wrote:Apologies for the lack of updates of recent, both myself & (so it seems) TIAL are rather busy at the moment

Yeah, I'll echo that apology. It's my final week of uni so I'm working overdrive on my remaining pieces of coursework right now.
I should be able to be back editing after Monday though. :D
TIAL wrote:
Johnny 1989 wrote:Apologies for the lack of updates of recent, both myself & (so it seems) TIAL are rather busy at the moment

Yeah, I'll echo that apology. It's my final week of uni so I'm working overdrive on my remaining pieces of coursework right now.
I should be able to be back editing after Monday though. :D

I thought you were busy with Uni work, a couple of my mates currently in a similar situation at present, plus when my brother was still at Uni last year he was very busy at this time of the year as well.
Hi guys - long time no post.

Basically I just want to say thanks for these shows. I really only got into Moyles in 2003, and while the sound vault has always been great, I have always wanted to experience the proper show in full flow and I guess now I can. Any more 2003 recordings would be sweet (dunno how available they are but just thought I'd put it out there).

Also recently I found a load of breakfast shows on my computer from 2004, that I downloaded from the listen again stream - mostly from September for some unknown reason but when I have time over the summer I'd be up for editing them. Also have one or two from 2005 as well.

Talking of morbid curiosity, does anyone have the show the day after John Peel died (26th Oct 2004) - I remember Chris giving a great little speech about his memories of John and I can't for the life of me find it in the vault. That's just something random that's been bugging me for about 2 years

Thanks again!
fish heads wrote:Hi guys - long time no post.

Basically I just want to say thanks for these shows. I really only got into Moyles in 2003, and while the sound vault has always been great, I have always wanted to experience the proper show in full flow and I guess now I can. Any more 2003 recordings would be sweet (dunno how available they are but just thought I'd put it out there).

Nice to see you back on here again Fish Heads. Unfortunately I only ever recorded 2 shows from 2003, there is a third one, which is available on here in 22 parts (labelled as Will's last show) which I edit together for my own use but didn't make available in this archive as it was already on the Sound Vault & didn't think it was neccessary to repost it again, plus they're not my files so I don't feel right in re-editing & uploading them again on this here thread.

Other than that JamieC21 thought he had a load but has since said he has either lost those or that he may have misremembered & didn't actually record them.

There's not much from the following years actually:

1997 (2 half shows from the Capital FM Show & 2 full Radio 1 shows)
1998 (1 full show, 1 virtually complete show with only the first half hour missing & 2 "podcasts" which are random clips from random shows)
1999 (3 full shows)
2002 (6 full shows - 5 of 6 are in this archive)
2003 (3 full shows, two on this archive & one (Will's last show) in 22 parts in the Sound Vault)
2004 (1 full show)
2007 (not a single complete show is known to exist at present

fish heads wrote:Also recently I found a load of breakfast shows on my computer from 2004, that I downloaded from the listen again stream - mostly from September for some unknown reason but when I have time over the summer I'd be up for editing them. Also have one or two from 2005 as well.

Fantastic news, they would certainly help bump up 2004's shows, there seems to be only one complete show on the net, it'd be nice to have some more shows with Juliette on them. 2005 shows are also welcome, the ones I have are all from November - December 2005 so anything else is welcome).

fish heads wrote:Talking of morbid curiosity, does anyone have the show the day after John Peel died (26th Oct 2004) - I remember Chris giving a great little speech about his memories of John and I can't for the life of me find it in the vault. That's just something random that's been bugging me for about 2 years

Thanks again!

I don't unfortunately no, my 2004 archive, as mentioned above is rubbish.

I hope to tape a lot more of the early 2001 shows, for some reason I have 8 shows from March, 8 from April & 7 from May so there will be a good representation of the show over this three month period, unfortunately only 4 shows out of those three months are complete, the rest are only the first half unfortunately.

Anyway expect some more on there way soon :D
****NEW SHOW****

Friday 21st September 2001 :

Details on the first post, which is still a mess at present (sorry). With thanks to TIAL for editing this show :)

Enjoy :D
Johnny 1989 wrote:****NEW SHOW****

Friday 21st September 2001 :

Details on the first post, which is still a mess at present (sorry). With thanks to TIAL for editing this show :)

Enjoy :D

thanks for all the hard work, culshaw is great in this show. i should be getting around to editing another mark and lard ogg file in the week, providing i can make some time around the bloody decorating.
DC wrote:
Johnny 1989 wrote:****NEW SHOW****

Friday 21st September 2001 :

Details on the first post, which is still a mess at present (sorry). With thanks to TIAL for editing this show :)

Enjoy :D

thanks for all the hard work, culshaw is great in this show. i should be getting around to editing another mark and lard ogg file in the week, providing i can make some time around the bloody decorating.

Yeah, I have quite a few Friday shows from this period so expect some more Culshaw in the not too distant future :D That was, IMO, the only mistake that Chris made, He did mention on the January 2002 show that they were "resting him" but then he never came back.

To be fair though, he was recording the TV version of Dead Ringers, plus, as Chris points out on the Christmas 2002 show, Jon had become more successful since "leaving" the afternoon show. Still there's plenty more Culshaw on Moyles to come so it's not like there's a lack of Culshaw shows.

As for Mark & Lard, any new material is welcome, which reminds me, I should really edit those few shows I have which JamieC21 posted last year of which haven't been added to this archive, I shall get on those this week. :D
Now added to the main page

Friday 28th September 2001:

Features include:

*Today's Topic is: I Think I Could Be The Guy For Lizzie
* "Me Now Is It Love?" which the was clipped & posted in this thread here a few weeks back
* and of course it's Friday so Jon Culshaw has popped in to do his thing.

More soon
Ed Pummelon wrote:Woohoo :D

I knew you'd be pleased with that :D

I'm hoping to copy over a load more from 2001 over the coming weeks, it's the only year of my Afternoon archive that I haven't really tackled.
I've been trying to think of a way I could contribute to the effort here, as all I'm doing at the moment is downloading everyone else's hard work. Trouble is there's not really much I can come up with - I don't have any old recordings, or editing software/skills.

What I can do is offer mp3 encodes of current shows (taken from a DVB-S source), if anyone ever wants clips from stuff that's on at the moment. I usually have around the five most recent at any one time, and although I can't edit then, I'm happy to pass them on to someone else (I did this with TIAL not too long ago). I'm sure plenty of other people have these too, but bear it in mind if it would ever be useful.
Ed Pummelon wrote:I've been trying to think of a way I could contribute to the effort here, as all I'm doing at the moment is downloading everyone else's hard work. Trouble is there's not really much I can come up with - I don't have any old recordings, or editing software/skills.

What I can do is offer mp3 encodes of current shows (taken from a DVB-S source), if anyone ever wants clips from stuff that's on at the moment. I usually have around the five most recent at any one time, and although I can't edit then, I'm happy to pass them on to someone else (I did this with TIAL not too long ago). I'm sure plenty of other people have these too, but bear it in mind if it would ever be useful.

Apologies, I meant to get back to your post sooner.

Anything is of use, I can edit some of the shows if you like (although cannot guarantee a time span at present). Do you keep any of your old shows at all? You may have some that I missed since the start of this year.

Incidentally below is a list of shows that I've downloaded since November 2008 (apologies for the caps it's just quicker to write the list):

FRI 14TH NOV 2008
TUE 2ND DEC 2008
MON 8TH DEC 2008
TUE 9TH DEC 2008
FRI 12TH DEC 2008
MON 15TH DEC 2008 - FRI 19TH DEC 2008 (Last week before Christmas)
MON 12TH JAN 2009 (First Show of 2009, never recorded the rest of the week unfortunately)
WED 14TH JAN 2009
FRI 6TH FEB 2009
FRI 13TH FEB 2009
MON 16TH FEB 2009
THUR 19TH FEB 2009
FRI 20TH FEB 2009
MON 23RD FEB 2009 - FRI 27TH FEB 2009
MON 2ND MAR 2009 - WED 4TH MAR 2009 (Vernon Kay)*
FRI 6TH MAR 2009 - TUE 10TH MAR 2009 (Vernon Kay)*
FRI 3RD APR 2009
MON 6TH APR 2009
TUE 7TH APR 2009
TUE 14TH APR 2009
MON 20TH APR 2009 - FRI 8TH MAY 2009 (Excluding the May Bank Holiday show, which he didn't present)
So Far...

* I Do have Thursday 5th March 2009, however it saved in a Quicktime format. If anyone knows how to convert this to MP3, please let me know.

I do plan to get these edited, but, at present, I'm concentrating mainly on the old Afternoon Shows, mainly as the tapes are starting to deteriorate (seeing as they're between 8-12 years old!)
Unfortunately I don't tend to keep them, I usually have the last 5 shows or so but that's about it - come to think of it, as they're all on the iPlayer for about that long it's probably not much use anyway.

I might start archiving though if I can find some hard disk space - you never know when you might listen back to them a few years down the track, as your current exercise is proving!

Re QT to mp3, I know how to do it on a Mac pretty easily, but not on a PC I'm afraid. Alternatively - it's a bit of a long-winded way round, but if you wanted to upload the .mov file or whatever it is somewhere, I'd be happy to download, convert it to mp3 and re-up it again. Just let me know.
wireman2004 wrote:johnny. I am loving the work that you and tial are doing. Would you possibly be able too put how big the files of each show are. For reference for downloading too mp3's and in my case my phone.

Erm, yeah that shouldn't be too much of a problem, I can give you a rough size (rounded up) for each in the next few days or so. :D
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