- Sun Jul 08, 2001 11:00 am
Ok, i've observed many successful businessmen and managers throughout my "career", so to speak, and true to the point, they have worked hard to get where they are (not the study desk <IMG SRC="http://chrismoyles.net/ubb/wink.gif">), but their on some big-ass wages and what do they do all day, attend meetings, FOR WHAT?! JUST TO DELEGATE THE WORK TO SOME OTHER POOR SOD THAT'S ON THE MINIMUN WAGE!<P>And another thing, GP'S, overworked??! MY ASS ONCE AGAIN!... u go in say you have a stmomach ache, poke a light down your eyeball, write a prescription, to which we can't read the friggin' writing! (my GP anyway!), and the chemists do the rest! :) Paperwork??!! We live in a day where you have computers for that kidna thing! Dear God...
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